KEEP CALM AND KEEP YOUR RESOLUTIONS! 3rd and 4th students have written some New Year’s Resolutions. Some of them are quite mature and interesting, so have a look and try to imitate them!
KEEP CALM AND KEEP YOUR RESOLUTIONS! 3rd and 4th students have written some New Year’s Resolutions. Some of them are quite mature and interesting, so have a look and try to imitate them!
En el Centro se imparten enseñanzas cofinanciadas por el Fondo Social Europeo+ en un 60%(Programa FSE+ Principado de Asturias 2021-2027) en PDC (Programa de diversificación curricular) y F.P. modalidad a distancia
CONSERJERÍA: 985 243 303
SECRETARÍA: 985 237 050
FAX: 985 272 004